Falco's Story

This rescued pooch returned the favor by rescuing people.

In 2013, a guy approached Aaron wanting to open a K-9 business with him and offered Aaron a dog. When Aaron showed up, he found a series of kennels that were more like walk-in closets with no daylight and where the dogs ate, they had urinated, and defecated inside. “I took Falco out of his kennel, and he looked horrible. I just said, ‘How much for this dog?’” Aaron paid and left with Falco, who was covered in feces and urine, and he was all matted and had chewed off pieces of his tail. A partnership was formed here, a lifetime partnership, between Aaron and Falco.  Aaron had rescued the dog of his dreams. “When I met him, I loved his drive and intensity. But through training is where we bonded the most -- we’re inseparable. I don’t go anywhere besides the gym without him.”

Within two months of being together, the two had passed the NNDDA (National Narcotic Dog Detector Association) certification with flying colors. From there, “I blended a little bit between tracking and narcotics -- I let his hunt drive take over. I believe in learning from as many different disciplines and people as you can and make your own way. If you come across a problem with your dog, you need a lot of tools in your toolbox.”

Falco has been trained to smell human decomposition. He can sniff a Q-tip's amount of blood in 5 acres, and he's been locating missing people since 2013. He's often brought in for all-hope-is-lost missions, like this one.  

On this day, Falco's first instinct was to sprint west. The detectives shook their heads. They'd been focusing their search efforts in the opposite direction. The dense forest was tricky to navigate, but the dog charged right into a mass of brush and thorny vines. Three minutes later he gave his silent alert: seated, rigid body, nose down. Falco had located the dead man.

"Most police dogs sniff out drugs or bombs," says Tucker, Falco's owner and handler. "But our skill set makes it possible to close a chapter by bringing the missing home. We can bring peace to the soul and the family." 

Falco stood out for his valor and leadership. When they're were not in the field, Falco and Tucker taught search tactics to other K9 teams. They had a special bond. During one search mission, a man jumped out of the woods and came at Tucker. He ignored commands to show his hands until Falco intervened, barking and growling until backup arrived and took the man into custody.  Falco got his favorite snack—a ham hock—as a reward.

Aaron's lost his long time K9 companion and bestfriend, Falco this past October.  Aaron, Archer and the entire DoggyRade Unleashed pack will be forever missing you Falco. 


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What is DoggyRade Unleashed?

DoggyRade Unleashed is a ready-to-use Hydration + Prebiotic drink, formulated by veternarians, specifically for dogs. It contains larger doses of amino acids and prebiotics, in a balanced electrolyte solution. All of these ingredients facilitate efficient recovery of hydration and intestinal function.

DoggyRade Unleashed contains easily absorbable carbohydrates, so your dog can recover quickly, with less amount of fluids. Therefore, reducing the risk of bloat.

Low in calories and fat, it is easy on a dog’s stomach, helps prevent dehydration, improves intestinal nutrient absorption so they get the most from their food.

Why are electrolytes and amino acids important for my dog, isn't water good enough?

Electrolytes are minerals in the body that have an electric charge, water does not contain electrolytes. Electrolytes become an electrically conducting solution when dissolved in water. They are found in the blood, urine, tissues, and other body fluids. Electrolytes are important because they help balance the amount of water in the body.

DoggyRade Unleashed contains a mix of electrolytes, amino acids and easily-absorbed carbohydrates to support good hydration. The water in DoggyRade is purified by reverse osmosis to improve the taste and eliminate impurities.

What are micronutrients?

Micronutrient are often referred to as vitamins and minerals. They are vital to healthy development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. With the exception of vitamin D, micronutrients are not produced in the body and must be derived from the diet.

Why does my dog need prebiotics, and why prebiotics instead of probiotics?

Prebiotics are specific types of fiber that the beneficial bacteria in your pet’s gut will use to grow. The gut bacteria perform many important functions in the body of your pet. Prebiotics can help ensure that your animal has the right balance of these good bacteria to keep its gut microbiota healthy.

Prebiotics are a source of food for the gut’s healthy bacteria. As they cannot be digested; they go to the lower digestive tract and act as food to help healthy bacteria to grow. Prebiotics feed the good bacteria already living in the gut without getting destroyed during digestion. Prebiotics are also generally more robust than probiotic supplements, they are shelf-stable and do not need to be refrigerated and will also not be impacted by freezing. They support good gut health, digestive health and intestinal function.

What are the benefits of L-glutamic acid?

Glutamine is an amino acid derived from glutamic acid. Glutamine is the preferred energy substrate for the enterocyte and as such it plays a key role in maintaining the integrity of the gut barrier. It is also the preferred fuel source for other rapidly dividing cells such as lymphocytes and fibroblasts especially during times of critical illness.

What is fructooligosaccharides (FOC)?

FOS are prebiotics and naturally-occurring substances that provide beneficial effects on digestion through their activity in the large intestine. FOS are fermented in the colon to product short chain fatty acids, which have important anti-inflammatory effects. FOS help to increase the concentrations of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium spp and Lactobacillus spp and may decrease concentrations of harmful bacteria such as Clostridium perfringens. Our prebiotics are human food grade and sourced from a highly reputable manufacturer based in Belgium and Germany. In fact, our particular grade of FOS is one of the few that is recommended for use in baby foods.The amount of FOS in our products is based on those amounts that have been shown to be effective in dogs and cats, and published in peer-reviewed journals.

What are the benefits of glycine and glucose?

Glycine has been shown to improve intestinal mucosal morphology and hasten their solution of diarrhoea. Glycine also enhances the update of glucose from the gut.

Glucose enhances sodium and water absorption through a cotransporter mechanism, even in the face of active secretion due to infection. Glucose in the gut also enhances mucosal blood flow.

DoggyRade is "isotonic", what does that mean?

DoggyRade Unleashed is isotonic, so it has a similar concentration of sale and sugard to the the human body's fluids. This allows dogs to quickly absorb and utilize the drink's electrolytes and fluids, helping them to rehydate more quickly, and more efficiently than just water.

What are the benefits of DoggyRade Unleashed targeted nutrition approach?

DoggyRade Unleashed uses a specially designed targeted-feeding approach that helps to maintain the integrity of the lining of the intestine and provides the intestinal support your pet needs. It is low in calories and fat, it is easy on a dog’s stomach, helps prevent dehydration, improves intestinal nutrient absorption so they get the most from their food.

Where can I purchase DoggyRade Unleashed?

DoggyRade Unleashed can be purchased directly from our website, Wal-mart Marketplace, and on Chewy very soon.