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North American Canicross

North American Canicross (NACC) was founded in June of 2019 for the purpose of promoting canicross as a competitive sport in the United States!  Canicross, or cross-country trail running with dogs, came about when the dog sledding community needed a way to cross-train their teams in the off-season. Special harnesses are used to allow the dog to have optimal and comfortable pulling. They are connected by a bungee lead—no longer than 6 feet—which is then attached to a special running belt on their owner. The belt and bungee lead allow for shock absorbency and keep the owner from any back injury. The dog may be pulling, but the owner is the driver! Dogs are taught special commands for things like "left", "right", "slow down", "speed up" etc. The objective is for the owner and dog to work as a team to reach the finish line!  Connect with us at www.nacanicross.com or support@nacanicross.com.


Luke and Jany

Luke Ryan and Jany ("Yawn-ee") have been best friends for well over 7 years now. Luke grew up with dogs and always wanted one of his own, but for many years he didn't have the time and money to responsibly take care of a dog. Finally, when he hit that point in Tampa, Florida, he went down to the shelter a few days in a row. Eventually, he found a little brown, black and white mutt and knew they would go on a lot of adventures together.
The name "Jany" comes from Luke's military days. Luke was a Soldier of the 75th Ranger Regiment, and he served four combat tours to Afghanistan, leaving as a team leader at the rank of sergeant. On his last deployment, he was working with a military working dog named Jany. Luke was not his handler, in fact, he didn't get to interact very much with Jany at all during those days. Jany's handler, SGT Josh Hargis, and Luke worked together a decent amount over that deployment. On one mission, Jany went to engage the enemy and was killed in the process. An explosion meant for four Americans on the ground, Luke included, went off and killed Jany instead. This sacrifice from an individual that Luke didn't know very well at the time had a pretty significant impact on him.
Fast forward almost five years, and Luke and the Jany from Tampa met in a shelter. Luke named him Jany to honor the military working dog who gave his life for him and his friends. Jany isn't nearly as courageous and fierce as the Ranger Jany, but not a day goes by that Luke doesn't look at him and think of both Ranger Jany and his handler Josh, who saved his life.
Tampa Jany is a mutt, and the shelter said they found him on the street when he was barely old enough to be away from his mother. Luke has no idea what he was exposed to, but he's scared easily and has issues with his food. Still, when Luke is around he finds some courage which Luke will tell you softens his heart every time.
Since the early days, Jany and Luke have been on many adventures. Jany has lived for at least a year in Florida, New York, Texas, and Utah each. He LOVES to run fast and in straight lines (while he understands fetch, he gets bored of it fast), to play keepaway with a toy, and he's extremely, extremely smart. While perhaps too anxious to do stressful dog jobs professionally, a couple dog trainers have admired how fast he picks up on various skills. He has been with Luke when he was single, through when Luke married his wife, Kenna who loved Jany dearly from day one. 
Luke is no professional dog trainer, but he takes the relationship between him and Jany very seriously. They play multiple times every day, take walks all the time, and he'll go the extra mile to get Jany to eat when he won't. For example, if fireworks are going off, Jany won't eat — sometimes for a whole 24 hours. Since that's obviously unacceptable (but you can't force a dog to eat), Luke used to create concoctions that Jany would find enticing enough to find some bravery: shredded cheese, hot water, a bit of wet food, rosemary, all on top of his dry food. Now, Luke just puts YummyRade on Jany's dry food and it achieves the same effect: Jany licks the bowl clean. Selfishly, Luke is just glad to have that option over the insanely complicated recipe he was using before.
Despite his troubled puppyhood, Jany is one of the easiest dogs to have. All of his issues are internalized, which does pull at Luke's heartstrings, but he appreciates how Jany doesn't cause trouble for anyone — everyone loves Jany. He has no interest in bothering the family cats, he has never swallowed a small toy or anything else, he doesn't chew anything he shouldn't, and he doesn't have accidents in the house or other places (not since once or twice when he was brand new to the house). If Luke falls short of training Jany exactly perfectly, Jany always seems to meet him in the middle and understand what he's getting at. He loves to run and play, but he also loves to cuddle and sleep — he sleeps in like a teenager! If you don't bother him, he'll just keep sleeping and sleeping until about 10 or 11am. He seems to have a knack for knowing when he parents want personal space and when they want mega-cuddles.
Luke and Kenna hope to have many more happy years with Jany, but they are just so grateful for every day they've had with him so far.
Luke is in charge of social media for DoggyRade Unleashed, alongside Destinie Bruno, so if you see Jany on our pages, drop a comment and say hello! Jany probably won't read it, but Luke will!

Collapsible content

What is DoggyRade Unleashed?

DoggyRade Unleashed is a ready-to-use Hydration + Prebiotic drink, formulated by veternarians, specifically for dogs. It contains larger doses of amino acids and prebiotics, in a balanced electrolyte solution. All of these ingredients facilitate efficient recovery of hydration and intestinal function.

DoggyRade Unleashed contains easily absorbable carbohydrates, so your dog can recover quickly, with less amount of fluids. Therefore, reducing the risk of bloat.

Low in calories and fat, it is easy on a dog’s stomach, helps prevent dehydration, improves intestinal nutrient absorption so they get the most from their food.

Why are electrolytes and amino acids important for my dog, isn't water good enough?

Electrolytes are minerals in the body that have an electric charge, water does not contain electrolytes. Electrolytes become an electrically conducting solution when dissolved in water. They are found in the blood, urine, tissues, and other body fluids. Electrolytes are important because they help balance the amount of water in the body.

DoggyRade Unleashed contains a mix of electrolytes, amino acids and easily-absorbed carbohydrates to support good hydration. The water in DoggyRade is purified by reverse osmosis to improve the taste and eliminate impurities.

What are micronutrients?

Micronutrient are often referred to as vitamins and minerals. They are vital to healthy development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. With the exception of vitamin D, micronutrients are not produced in the body and must be derived from the diet.

Why does my dog need prebiotics, and why prebiotics instead of probiotics?

Prebiotics are specific types of fiber that the beneficial bacteria in your pet’s gut will use to grow. The gut bacteria perform many important functions in the body of your pet. Prebiotics can help ensure that your animal has the right balance of these good bacteria to keep its gut microbiota healthy.

Prebiotics are a source of food for the gut’s healthy bacteria. As they cannot be digested; they go to the lower digestive tract and act as food to help healthy bacteria to grow. Prebiotics feed the good bacteria already living in the gut without getting destroyed during digestion. Prebiotics are also generally more robust than probiotic supplements, they are shelf-stable and do not need to be refrigerated and will also not be impacted by freezing. They support good gut health, digestive health and intestinal function.

What are the benefits of L-glutamic acid?

Glutamine is an amino acid derived from glutamic acid. Glutamine is the preferred energy substrate for the enterocyte and as such it plays a key role in maintaining the integrity of the gut barrier. It is also the preferred fuel source for other rapidly dividing cells such as lymphocytes and fibroblasts especially during times of critical illness.

What is fructooligosaccharides (FOC)?

FOS are prebiotics and naturally-occurring substances that provide beneficial effects on digestion through their activity in the large intestine. FOS are fermented in the colon to product short chain fatty acids, which have important anti-inflammatory effects. FOS help to increase the concentrations of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium spp and Lactobacillus spp and may decrease concentrations of harmful bacteria such as Clostridium perfringens. Our prebiotics are human food grade and sourced from a highly reputable manufacturer based in Belgium and Germany. In fact, our particular grade of FOS is one of the few that is recommended for use in baby foods.The amount of FOS in our products is based on those amounts that have been shown to be effective in dogs and cats, and published in peer-reviewed journals.

What are the benefits of glycine and glucose?

Glycine has been shown to improve intestinal mucosal morphology and hasten their solution of diarrhoea. Glycine also enhances the update of glucose from the gut.

Glucose enhances sodium and water absorption through a cotransporter mechanism, even in the face of active secretion due to infection. Glucose in the gut also enhances mucosal blood flow.

DoggyRade is "isotonic", what does that mean?

DoggyRade Unleashed is isotonic, so it has a similar concentration of sale and sugard to the the human body's fluids. This allows dogs to quickly absorb and utilize the drink's electrolytes and fluids, helping them to rehydate more quickly, and more efficiently than just water.

What are the benefits of DoggyRade Unleashed targeted nutrition approach?

DoggyRade Unleashed uses a specially designed targeted-feeding approach that helps to maintain the integrity of the lining of the intestine and provides the intestinal support your pet needs. It is low in calories and fat, it is easy on a dog’s stomach, helps prevent dehydration, improves intestinal nutrient absorption so they get the most from their food.

Where can I purchase DoggyRade Unleashed?

DoggyRade Unleashed can be purchased directly from our website, Wal-mart Marketplace, and on Chewy very soon.